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Be Brilliant Every Day!
Discover what you are truly capable of.
The Complete App offers a wide range of skills and programs that are scientifically grounded to support your development with a core focus on emotional development and wellbeing.
Deliver quantifiable returns in terms of improved mental health, emotional development and personal performance.

What they say about us
“Using the Complete Network Analysis showed us that the organisation was a collection of internal stakeholders who had different interests rather than taking a collective and cohesive common goal that was at the heart of our business!
We’ve managed to discover the underlying patterns of connectivity and why they are critical to understanding the organisation and how it truly works.”
We’ve managed to discover the underlying patterns of connectivity and why they are critical to understanding the organisation and how it truly works.”
CEO FMCG Company
“This was different to what I’d done before and that’s why I really liked it. Complete helped us as much individually as collectively.
I’m certainly happy with the progress that I’ve made. Thousands of coaches and courses have never given me the value I get from working with Complete.
They showed us how, as a team, we could evolve to make us faster and more effective at alignment. They gave us the ability to see conflict as positive and constructive. We developed the ability to welcome and seek out conflict and disagreement, and then incorporate that into a stronger overall solution.”
I’m certainly happy with the progress that I’ve made. Thousands of coaches and courses have never given me the value I get from working with Complete.
They showed us how, as a team, we could evolve to make us faster and more effective at alignment. They gave us the ability to see conflict as positive and constructive. We developed the ability to welcome and seek out conflict and disagreement, and then incorporate that into a stronger overall solution.”
Alasdair LenmanChief FInancial Officer, YBS
“I’ve spent a lot of time and money on my development over my career, and in my opinion Complete really is the highest standard. It’s elevated my level of thinking and made a massive impact on my ability to be a leader, a coach, a sales trainer, a parent and even a husband.
The program was really practical. There were lots of different tools and skills and my coach explained how to apply them at work. For example, I remember a time I used the SHIFT skill and it literally saved me about $500,000.”
The program was really practical. There were lots of different tools and skills and my coach explained how to apply them at work. For example, I remember a time I used the SHIFT skill and it literally saved me about $500,000.”
Simon BeardCEO, Culture Kings
“I have gained a lot from this, and it hasn’t stopped, its an ongoing thing. It helped me understand myself a bit more and become a better, happier version of myself. I can’t think of anything else I have done in terms of development that comes close to this. It’s helped me in challenging situations and think more clearly. It’s done a lot. I am surprised at how great it has been. I have realized that there is so much more potential and a few more gears and levels that I can move through. Not sure if I am able to do that, but I feel more confident that I can. The tool belt – I was using a mallet for everything.“
Scott MillarCEO, Exactive
“Alan [Littlefield] is very experienced, I’d worked for him before 2 and a half years ago. Already back then I could see he was very experienced. I don’t think I have ever felt so comfortable sharing personal stuff with someone for as long as I can remember. I felt that I could talk to him about anything and that everything would be safe – very high degree of trust on my side which is not something I do very easily, hardly ever.“
Dirk GeeraertsVP Sales EMEA, Thales Belgium
“We have made considerable progress which can be seen from our financial results.
They helped us to move quickly from the day-to-day reactive work that was all consuming at the start of the pandemic to our longer strategic vision, making sure that we continued to make those longer term strategic investments.”
They helped us to move quickly from the day-to-day reactive work that was all consuming at the start of the pandemic to our longer strategic vision, making sure that we continued to make those longer term strategic investments.”
Louise StonierChief People and Culture Officer, Pets At Home
“I don’t think we could have asked for more. You were incredible professional, sensitive, motivational and tuned very quickly into the team. I enjoyed it a lot, as do I believe the rest of the team. It’s a journey… and we’ve started. Thank you!”
Ian GibsonChairman, Morrison’s
“The coaching journey was very structured, good space between the sessions to practice. It seemed flexible and adaptable, Peter always tried to focus on what was relevant to me as a person. He is very knowledgeable, well-read and passionate about the subject. He always seemed to have a relevant technique that we could use.
I recognise now that I wasn’t in control of my emotions previously, there are now techniques and methods that I can use to be more in control and recognise my emotions.
Unlike other leadership methodologies I have looked at in the past, the fact that you recognise it all starts with physiology in the first place is where Complete are different – a very insightful and refreshing approach to organisational development.”
I recognise now that I wasn’t in control of my emotions previously, there are now techniques and methods that I can use to be more in control and recognise my emotions.
Unlike other leadership methodologies I have looked at in the past, the fact that you recognise it all starts with physiology in the first place is where Complete are different – a very insightful and refreshing approach to organisational development.”
Tim StranackSenior Leader, Community Fibre
“What our business has been through in the last few years has been transformative. The business was underperforming and now we’re winning. That success has been the team coming together faster than we would have done without Complete.
I’m sceptical when I meet organisations like Complete, but I was impressed by Alan. There was passion, the way he described things it felt practical and doable. I get nervous of models and theories on their own, I like to see theory applied in practicality. But Complete’s experience resonated with the challenges we faced. I felt they understood.
The Complete programme does bring in an element of neurology which puts the leader firmly in the space of being in control of their behaviour and ultimately their leadership style.”
I’m sceptical when I meet organisations like Complete, but I was impressed by Alan. There was passion, the way he described things it felt practical and doable. I get nervous of models and theories on their own, I like to see theory applied in practicality. But Complete’s experience resonated with the challenges we faced. I felt they understood.
The Complete programme does bring in an element of neurology which puts the leader firmly in the space of being in control of their behaviour and ultimately their leadership style.”
Peter PritchardCEO, Pets At Home
“You have helped me make a personal breakthrough. Simple words, but very powerful for me.
I really did find the sessions helpful on a number of levels, so thank you again. Hope the work with you continues!”
I really did find the sessions helpful on a number of levels, so thank you again. Hope the work with you continues!”
Peter DuffyEasyJet
“We now have the conversation in the room and can challenge constructively. We’ll ask each other, ‘What does this mean for the organisation?’ It’s not just about what this means for you. This takes the heat out of the conversation and allows for a more strategic discussion about what’s right for the organisation.
One of the things I’ve realised is that the executive team still has to have a bit of fun together, but to do that you need to feel trusted and safe. If you don’t trust each other, your guard never truly comes down. Working with Complete has allowed us to be less guarded in a safe environment and to have a bit of fun, but it always feels controlled.”
One of the things I’ve realised is that the executive team still has to have a bit of fun together, but to do that you need to feel trusted and safe. If you don’t trust each other, your guard never truly comes down. Working with Complete has allowed us to be less guarded in a safe environment and to have a bit of fun, but it always feels controlled.”
Stephen WhiteInterim CEO, YBS
“Seeing team members exhibit new leadership capacity has been incredibly rewarding for me personally, and beneficial to the organisation as well.
Everyone on the team has been able to move into the second person – to consider other perspectives. When I first came in two years ago, there were a lot of strong personalities who wanted to be heard. What we know now is that‘s not necessarily the best way to move the organisation forward. Individuals on the team have put this perspective-taking into practice and have been able to navigate successfully some very difficult change. Seeing team members exhibit new leadership capacity has been incredibly rewarding for me personally, and beneficial to the organisation as well.”
Everyone on the team has been able to move into the second person – to consider other perspectives. When I first came in two years ago, there were a lot of strong personalities who wanted to be heard. What we know now is that‘s not necessarily the best way to move the organisation forward. Individuals on the team have put this perspective-taking into practice and have been able to navigate successfully some very difficult change. Seeing team members exhibit new leadership capacity has been incredibly rewarding for me personally, and beneficial to the organisation as well.”
Sue Graham JohnstonHead of RBU UK/Ireland/Africa, Linde
TED Talks
With over 10 million views, Alan is well known for his TEDx lectures.