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We work with leaders, teams and organisations to transform performance
We work with leaders, teams and organisations to transform performance
Dr Alan Watkins & Matt Simister
A Clinician’s Guide to Psychoneuroimmunology
Discover the cutting-edge world of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and its powerful impact on health. This book dives into groundbreaking research showing how your perceptions and emotions influence immunity and overall well-being.
Learn how mind-body connections affect illness and explore practical insights for integrating these concepts into medical practice. Whether you’re a healthcare provider or just curious about the mind-body link, this accessible guide offers a comprehensive introduction to this rapidly evolving field.
Dr Alan Watkins & Matt Simister
Eat Better, Waste Less, Share More
The third book in the critically acclaimed Wicked & Wise series offers a compelling analysis of the issue of food on an international scale. From nutrition to world hunger to GM farming, what are the impacts of food and food issues on regional, political, cultural, business and social priorities?
With 2 billion obese and 2 billion hungry, food is a key issue in the future development of the world’s population and its health. As with every wicked and wise issue, it throws up significant moral, political and economic concerns when tackling how we will keep the world’s population nourished in decades to come.
Dr Alan Watkins & Iman Stratenus
The End of Politics
The book tackles one of the most crucial questions of our time: Who should decide our future? Traditional democracy is faltering, leaving power in the hands of a small elite while the masses feel sidelined. It introduces “Crowdocracy”—a revolutionary approach where everyone, not just a select few, influences governance.
By harnessing technology and collective wisdom, it offers a way for all of us to shape our communities directly. As the second instalment in the Wicked & Wise series, it presents bold, thought-provoking solutions to pressing global issues, co-authored by Alan Watkins and leading experts.
Dr Alan Watkins & Ken Wilber
How to Solve the World’s Toughest Problems
Wicked and Wise: How to Solve the World’s Toughest Problems is the debut title in a fresh series from Urbane Publications. Created by leading consultant Alan Watkins, this book dives into critical global issues and offers smart, insightful solutions to break through current challenges. Each book in the series features Alan co-authoring with an expert in the field.
The first instalment, co-written with renowned philosopher Ken Wilber, addresses urgent topics such as cultural clashes and technology’s rise. It sets the stage for discussing how leaders can tackle these challenges with sophisticated, multi-faceted strategies, leading with wisdom and foresight.
Dr Alan Watkins & Simon Jones
How Leaders Build & Break Trust
In 2020, a global pandemic struck, but by the end of 2021, a second, unrelated pandemic emerged—a cultural virus of deceit, threatening humanity more than the virus itself. This cultural virus thrives on dishonesty, with lies becoming a skill that propels individuals to the highest offices in government and business.
Dishonesty is now rewarded, and deceit is so common that daily deception no longer shocks us. Business leaders must become Truth Activists, re-examining their own relationship with the truth and taking a stand to survive.
“Lie-Ability: How Leaders Build & Break Trust” offers a way to combat this cultural virus and halt the decay of truth.
Dr Alan Watkins
The Science of Exceptional Leadership and Performance
Most leaders aren’t reaching their full potential. In “Coherence,” Dr. Alan Watkins shows leaders how to transform their performance and unlock their true potential. He shares techniques that have boosted leaders in FTSE 50 companies, SMEs, and even the Olympic Rowing Team to new heights.
This book reveals how leadership success is rooted in biology, offering insights on boosting energy, resilience, happiness, and health. With case studies and research, Dr. Watkins unveils the secrets to exceptional leadership and everyday brilliance. Now in its second edition, “Coherence” includes new tools and insights to enhance productivity, innovation, and commercial performance while promoting overall well-being.
Dr Alan Watkins & Nick Dalton
Change the Workplace, Change the World
Observers suggest that capitalism is damaging our planet and concentrating power in a few companies. With short-termism, leveraged debt, digitisation, and disruption as the new normal, we face two possible futures: a regression to the harsh days of the early Industrial Revolution and the Great Depression, or a world of abundance and prosperity. Business, particularly HR, will play a crucial role in determining our path.
“The HR (R)Evolution: Change the Workplace, Change the World” explores the evolution of HR and its pivotal role in shaping our future. It outlines the “Seven Great Waves” of change and their impact on business, highlighting how some companies remain stuck in the past and how HR can lead the way forward. This book is for senior business leaders and HR professionals who understand that people issues are the central challenge of our time. Embracing future waves of change will determine our survival and prosperity. The future is in our hands.
Dr Alan Watkins
The Leader’s Journey
No one likes change, often seen as something to endure quickly before returning to normal. We need to see change as an opportunity. “Step Change: The Leader’s Journey” helps leaders navigate change gracefully and productively.
Inspired by Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, this book provides a universal roadmap for change, from the comfort zone to post-delivery inspiration. The journey unfolds through four stages: Discover, Decide, Develop, and Deliver. “Step Change” offers a proven formula to identify where you are on the Change Wheel, anticipate each step, and avoid pitfalls. Mastering this cycle helps leaders manage both personal and organisational change effectively.
Dr Alan Watkins
Competitive Advantage through Vertical Leadership Development
Today’s leaders must radically evolve to navigate complex, ever-changing business landscapes. This transformation involves a step-change in three key areas: actions, identity, and relationships. Achieving mastery in these areas unlocks the fourth dimension (verticality), giving leaders a significant competitive edge.
In “4D Leadership,” neuroscientist and leadership coach Dr. Alan Watkins offers a groundbreaking framework based on adult development research. This isn’t just an upgrade in skills; it’s an evolution to the next level of leadership.
“4D Leadership” is essential for anyone overwhelmed by job demands, stressed about maintaining competitive advantage through innovation, or seeking to develop a more responsive and effective leadership strategy.
Dr Alan Watkins & Simon May
Time to Think Differently
Businesses spend billions on innovation with little return. This book challenges traditional innovation methods and offers a new approach.
Innovation is about successfully commercialising novel ideas. Instead of costly problem assessments, an ‘impeller approach’ starts with solutions and lets the market pull the best ones forward, enabling fast failures or successes. This process is guided by a ‘bee’—an integrative thinker who gathers existing knowledge from experts. By reversing the traditional process, organisations can better succeed in the market.
Given high innovation failure rates and complex societal issues, it’s time to rethink innovation. This book is essential for Heads of Innovation, Directors of Marketing, New Product and Service Development leaders, Strategy Directors, Chief Technology Officers, and policy makers.
CEO & Founder
“I have dedicated my life to helping leaders develop and make better decisions”
A physician and neuroscientist, Dr. Alan Watkins is recognised as an international expert on leadership and human performance. He has coached thousands of individuals to greater levels of performance and transformed organisational cultures.