Cognitive Map

Assess your ability to take increasingly sophisticated perspectives.

Best for: Leaders & Organisations
Impact: Succession Planning, Talent Acquisition

How we’ve helped

Our results speak for themselves


Increase in engagement


Increase in top line revenue


Reduction in fatigue

What we can do for you

The Complete Cognitive Map identifies a person’s quality of mind.

Find out your level of cognitive capability and your ability to take sophisticated perspectives.

Our ability to take a perspective increases with cognitive sophistication. The Complete Cognitive Map assesses your current level of cognitive capabilty.

In this assessment, there are eight levels of perspective taking.

What a cognitive assessment should measure

Many cognitive assessments focus on a handful of disparate, technical cognitive capabilities. Some are contaminated with unrelated constructs like emotional intelligence. Most fail to create any degree of differentiation between one leader and the next.

In contrast, the Complete Cognitive Map identifies a quality of mind that can differentiate leaders. It assesses our ability to take increasingly sophisticated perspectives.

What are the eight levels of perspective taking?

Our ability to take a perspective increases with our cognitive sophistication.


Level 1
We struggle to objectify our subjective experience; it consumes us. Experience has us, we don’t have it.


Level 2
We develop the ability to objectify things, including ourselves.


Level 3
Understanding connections between things fosters shared understanding, vital for building relationships.


Level 4
We develop the ability to take a perspective on a perspective.

5 – 8

Levels 5 to 8
Reflect increasingly sophisticated perspectives beyond that.

How it can impact your business

Here’s how this assessment can help you

The Complete Cognitive Map assesses your level of thought fluidity. This is a game-changing skill that reflects a liberation of constraints on your mind.

Even if you are not yet sophisticated in terms of thought fluidity, this assessment can give you the insights and direction you need to increase your sophistication.


Most cognitive assessments fail to differentiate one leader from another.

With eight levels, the Complete Cognitive Map clearly assesses your current and potential state. You can find out exactly where you are now, and what you need to do to enhance your level of cognitive sophistication.

Being able to take multiple perspectives is a clear leadership differentiator. This ability is at level 4 in the Complete Cognitive Map.

With the Complete Cognitive Map assessment, you can identify your current level of perspective taking and understand what you need to do to increase your skills in this area.

Unlike many assessments, the Complete Cognitive Map is developmental. That means it can provide clear direction for how and where leaders can be more sophisticated cognitively.

Your assessment will clearly identify where you currently sit in the eight potential levels of cognitive sophistication. It will also indicate what you need to do next to increase your cognitive capabilities.

For leaders

Assess a leader’s cognitive sophistication.

For teams

Identify the cognitive sophistication of a team.

For organisations

Support key organisational decisions at senior levels by understanding the cognitive sophistication of your senior leaders.

Get in touch!

Join the 1,000,000 people transforming their culture.

Alan Watkins

01794 524 384

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