Your Network Analysis

The Complete Network Analysis reveals the hidden dynamics that drive performance and clarifies how information flows and decisions really happen.

Best for: Leaders, Teams & Organisations
Impact: Organisational Development & Talent Management

Our frequently asked questions

We have gathered your most frequently asked questions to help support you with the Complete Network Analysis.

The results of the survey are analysed to provide valuable insights to improve organisational, team, and individual performance. It aims to identify what support is needed right across the business.

Sometimes there are very legitimate reasons why individuals may have very low levels of connectivity. The individual may have just joined the company for example; or they have just returned from maternity leave; or they are a single point contributor; or most of the individual’s connectivity may be outside the survey population or with external stakeholders.

The survey is not a measure of an individual’s performance, it is an analysis of connectivity and how work gets done in your organisation.

The survey is completed by individuals and can take 10 to 15 minutes depending on how long you like to deliberate on your answers.

If you do not want to nominate anyone for a particular question, please make sure you click on the button at the bottom that says, “there is no-one that I connect with”.

Absolutely not. This information is completely confidential. Your individual nominations will never be revealed to anyone in your organisation at any time.

The survey is designed to look at the connectivity within and between different groups of people right across the business and it’s not about who nominated who.

Some departments may have relatively low levels of connectivity. This is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, high levels of connectivity may suggest bottlenecks.

The context of the connectivity and the appropriateness of connections guide the interpretation of the data.

Your organisation has specifically limited the survey population to a set number of people. As a result, you may not find some people you wish to nominate.

If you can’t find anyone appropriate for that specific question within the survey population then please click on “there is no-one that I connect with”.

We are aware that we may not capture everyone you connect with. This is taken into account when analysing the data.

The survey is not mandatory, but we can only help your organisation if you complete the survey so we can see the most comprehensive picture of how the organisation operates.

So please take the time to complete the survey. Your views are very valuable to help with your organisation’s development.

Without your participation, the survey will be less powerful and any insights for your team and your department will be slightly less precise.

If needed the Network Analysis questionnaire can be translated.

Please contact for assistance.


You should have received your login details when the Network Analysis was launched.

Please search your inbox for an email from support@complete-coherence. Please also check any spam or junk folders.

If you need further assistance, contact


Reveal how your organisation really works.

Our approach and methodology is integrated and sophisticated, rooted in network science.

The origins of Network Analysis go back more than 50 years when leaders in the 1960s started to use mathematics (graph theory) to understand workplace dynamics and critical workplace interventions. Network Analysis reveals invisible interactions between people in the organisation.

The Complete Network Analysis delivers powerful insights with just nine simple questions, big data analytics and our expert interpretation to resolve your most challenging issues.

The insights from the Complete Network Analysis are presented in dynamic and interactive visualisations using Tableau.

Our Process

What you can expect when working with us


Stakeholders define queries, shaping the survey’s scope and scale


Employees engage in a 10-minute survey mapping work connections and relationships


Our data scientists craft your results into dynamic visualisations and benchmark them against our database


We run a workshop that aids in identifying actions for transforming leaders, teams, and your organisation


Network goals are then set as part of your development programme

Get in touch!

Join the 1000,000 people transforming their culture.

Gestur Palmason

01794 524 384

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