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Addressing the gender pay gap that persists among over 40s

Addressing the gender pay gap that persists among over 40s

Sep 18, 2023

Men and women in the same job, performing the same work, must be paid the…

Business Analogies applied to Football

Business Analogies applied to Football

Aug 3, 2023

Like many middle-aged men I was brought up on sport, particularly football. As an ex-HR…

Why teams fail and how to fix it

Why teams fail and how to fix it

Jul 5, 2023

We’ve all worked in teams that fall short of their promise. On paper, each person’s…

Managers affect our work stress as much as our spouse ……

Managers affect our work stress as much as our spouse ……

Jun 28, 2023

A third of our lives are spent at work, so it’s hardly surprising it can…

Advice on men’s mental health from the men of Complete

Advice on men’s mental health from the men of Complete

Jun 13, 2023

It’s National Men’s Health Week. Healthy bodies, hard exercise, good diet, and regular visits to…

Breathe … on Clean Air Day

Breathe … on Clean Air Day

Jun 7, 2023

The World Health Organisation and the UK Government recognise that air pollution is the largest…