Mike – Aegon

I have known Alan and “Complete” in one way or another for 15 or so years, across three companies (RSA/DLG/Aegon) and four teams. Alan was ever present in many of those team development days, guiding, teaching and challenging as we went on a journey towards being a brilliant and effective team.

I have learnt and tested the frameworks and models, been up and down many a spiral, become a “healthier and happier” leader and managed through more VUCA worlds that I could have dreamt of during that time. I still believe that you need a complete framework to be best leader you can be, over all my leading life I have found none better.  

Being a champion brilliant leader has always been my aim, my teams have been in rowing boats, on running tracks and swimming in Sweden’s archipelago’s to try and optimise our performance.

I thought getting to level 3 as a team was pretty good until I found out there were 10!

A massive thanks to Alan and team for their personal support and for leading a business that has positively impacted the performance of myself, my teams, my business and many many people’s wellbeing. 20 years must have flown by, yet there are still so many teams, countries, planets to save.”

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